About UNIT0.

You can get UNIT0 for the relevant network:

Mine With Node

Follow the steps to run a mining Unit Zero node:

  1. Get a generating balance of at least 20,000 WAVES by ownership or lease.

  2. Stake L2MP.

    NOTE: The greater your node's L2MP stake, the higher your node's chance to be selected as a miner within an epoch.

  3. Run a Unit Zero node.

    NOTE: Ensure you follow the Start mining step.

Your UNIT0 rewards will be accrued to your L1 address with each L1 epoch when your node produces blocks.

Delegate L2MP

Miners can share their UNIT0 rewards with users who delegate their L2MP stake to them. The frequency and percentage of these payouts are determined by the miners independently and are not defined by the staking protocol.

  1. Stake L2MP for the node address you would like to delegate your L2MP tokens to,

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